UltraTwin™ Overhead Hoist

UltraTwin™ Overhead Hoist

In many countries, the number of obese people is increasing, and obesity is a growing health problem. Transferring and caring for extremely heavy people safely without jeopardizing their integrity can be a challenge.

The ceiling mounted UltraTwin system consists of two Likorall™ overhead hoist which together give a lifting capacity of up to 500 kg (1100 lb). The UltraTwist accessory offers a unique ability to adjust the patient’s position during and after the transfer. The hoists are operated individually using one or two hand controls enabling optimum positioning of the patient leading to more comfort and easier breathing.

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Finding the right solution

Installing any ceiling hoist system requires careful consideration. You must know the types of challenges that will need to be solved, the lifting situation and how you intend to lift with the system. To facilitate installation, it is also essential to know the underlying technical conditions and prerequisites in the location where the system is to be installed.

At Lotus Adapt we carry out on-site surveys with all our clients to design solutions that enhance the client and carer experience, solving those challenging patient handling demands that fit even the most demanding environments.

In this way, you can be assured of getting the best system to meet your specific needs. We have solutions for all types of settings and lifting, complete systems that give patients and caregivers freedom.

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